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Get Your Robots.txt File in Minutes with Our Generator

Generate Robots.txt Files

Get Your Robots.txt File in Minutes with Our Generator

When it comes to driving organic traffic to our website, optimizing it through effective SEO techniques, and ensuring proper indexing of our content by search engines, however, there are certain types of data that we prefer not to be displayed on search engine results pages, such as sensitive customer information like credit card details and less significant pages.

One way to control how search engines like Google and Bing index your website is by using a file called "robots.txt." This file guides search engine crawlers, letting them know which pages they should and should not crawl. Doing so helps search engines access the content you want them to see while avoiding unwanted pages.

Implementing this strategy can help improve your website's SEO and increase your online visibility. While optimizing your robots.txt file may require some technical knowledge, we have created a helpful tool that can automatically generate the code for your website. By simply providing a few details about your website, you can easily incorporate the pre-generated code into your robots.txt file, even if you're not a technical expert. Let's explore the basics of the robots.txt file together.

Rebots.text Generator

What is a Robots.txt File, and How Does It Work?

A robots.txt file is a text-format document in a website's root folder. Its primary purpose is to instruct web crawlers, also known as "robots," which parts of the website should be crawled and indexed and which parts should not. 

It allows website owners to have some control over how search engines access and present their content on search engine results pages (SERPs). The robots.txt file is a powerful tool that can significantly impact a website's searchability, user experience, and overall performance. Despite its unassuming appearance, this text file is crucial in shaping how search engines crawl and index a website's content.

This is a screenshot rebots.txt file

Why Your Website Needs a Robots.txt File 

Assuming we don't have a Robots.txt file, search engines may index our website even if the information is private. Thus, optimizing this file is vital since it determines what data appears on the SERP. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in SEO. There are several other reasons why this file is essential.

Control Over Crawling: With a Robots.txt file, you can manage web crawlers' activities, preventing them from overworking your website or indexing pages not meant for public view.

Efficient Indexing: Directing search engines to the most relevant pages ensures your website is indexed more efficiently, improving its visibility and searchability. 

Optimizing Site Performance: An effectively designed robots.txt file has the potential to minimize the strain on servers and conserve bandwidth by excluding irrelevant resources from being crawled. By doing so, it improves the overall performance of the website and enhances the user experience.

Boosting SEO: Utilizing a robots.txt file directs search engine bots toward the most pertinent and valuable content on a website, guaranteeing that the crucial pages are given priority for indexing. Ultimately, this results in enhanced search engine rankings and increased online visibility.

Site Optimization: When you guide search engine crawlers toward the most pertinent pages, you prevent your server's resources from being squandered on irrelevant or repetitive content. Moreover, it enhances the effectiveness of search engine indexing for your website.

An adequately designed Robots.txt file has the potential to enhance the discoverability of your website by allowing search engines to comprehend its structure and give priority to crucial content.

What is the Robots.txt Generator tool by cyber tools?

Are you looking for an easy, user-friendly way to generate code for your website's robots.txt file? Look no further than Cybertool's advanced robots.txt generator! Our free online tool allows you to guide search engine bots and crawlers to index specific data based on your interests and preferences. The best part? Our generator works with all search engines, not just Google, and allows you to allow or disallow specific search engines from crawling your site. Select your website-specific dictionaries, and our tool will generate code snippets for you to paste into your robots.txt file.

How to Use Robots.txt Generator tool?

Using our tool is simple and easy. Follow these steps to generate code for your website. You need to fill in some information according to our priorities.


You can allow or disallow specific settings based on your preferences. The default setting applies to all robots. You can enable or refuse crawling delays ranging from five to 120 seconds. You can also decide whether to allow or deny Google, Google Images, Google Mobile, MSN Search, Yahoo, Yahoo MM, Yahoo Blogs, Ask/Teeoma, GigaBlast, DMOZ Checker, Nutch, Alexa/Wayback, Baidu, Naver, and MSN PicSearch. You can choose to allow or disallow directories. Any disallowed directories will be excluded.

Screenshot Robots.text Generator tool

Step 2: Click "Generate robots.txt"

Step 3: Please copy the code snippet. 

Step 4: Please copy and paste the following code into your website's "robots.txt" file.

Here's how you can access the Robots.txt file from your website:

To access the robots.txt file, you must access your website's file manager. If using cPanel, CyberPanel, or any website management panel, log in and navigate to the public.html folder in your website directory. You should be able to find the file there. If you use FTP, you can use FileZilla or any other FTP access tool to locate the file in the public.html folder. The exact process applies to WordPress websites.

How to check if your website has rebooted.text file

To check reboot.text file, enter your website name /reboots.text into any browser 

Like: https://www.yourwebsite.com/rebots.text

You can quickly generate the file if it's not available.


What is the process for creating a Robots.txt file from scratch?

A guide on creating a robots.txt file from scratch:

If your website does not have a robots.txt file, don't worry. You can quickly generate it here with this step-by-step guide:


  • To open Notepad or any text editor on a Windows computer.
  • Open the Note++ app or any text or code editor on a Mac.

Step 2: Paste the code you generated into the designated area.

Step 3: Save the file onto your device.

Step 4: Rename it to "robots.txt".

Step 5: Upload the dictionary for your website.

If you prefer, you can manually write code for your website. Here are the details for the basic format:

1-First, set your user agents.

The list includes:

  • - Google
  • - Google Images
  • - Google Mobile
  • - MSN Search
  • - Yahoo
  • - Yahoo MM
  • - Yahoo Blogs
  • - Ask/Teeoma
  • - GigaBlast
  • - DMOZ Checker
  • - Nutch
  • - Alexa/Wayback
  • - Baidu
  • - MSN PicSearch
  • - GPTBot
    #OpenAI has introduced their own user agent, "GPTBot," to crawl websites and collect data for training their language model.

2- Then, specify which data you do not want to crawl.

Allow: /directory-1/
Disallow: /directory-2/

For example, if you want to block Googlebot-image from using "/," you can specify "Disallow: /."

If you want search engines to crawl your entire website, leave the Disallow field blank.

Alternatively, you can use a particular location in front of the Disallow field to stop bots from crawling specific files.

Finally, you can use the same format to block other web crawlers from accessing your content.

#Remember, it's important to properly configure your website's code to ensure that search engines can crawl and index your content.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Robots.txt File

Here are common mistakes you need to avoid while creating a robots.txt file 

Mistake 1: Blocking Essential Files

Blocking CSS and JS files is a common mistake that can hinder search engine understanding and rendering of your website. Make sure you're not doing this!

Mistake 2: Blocking Important Web Crawlers

Blocking significant web crawlers is a common mistake. However, not all bots are harmful. It is helpful to have friendly bots like Googlebot index your site and make it more visible. So, it's essential to keep the door open for them!

Mistake 3: Ignoring the Limitations of a Robots.txt File

When safeguarding sensitive data on your website, it's crucial to remember that you'll need more than a Robots.txt file to provide foolproof security. While it can request bots not to access your site, it doesn't completely prevent them from doing so. It's advisable to implement additional security measures such as password protection or server-side exclusion for maximum protection.

Tips for Creating an Effective Robots.txt File

After discussing common mistakes, let's move on to the best practices for creating a high-quality Robots.txt file.

Keep it Simple: Make your Robots.txt file simple for better bot understanding.

Use a Robots.txt Generator: Consider using a Robots.txt generator to create a well-structured file and avoid syntax errors easily.

Regularly Review Your File: SEO is a dynamic field, and what works today might not work tomorrow. Periodically reviewing and updating your Robots.txt file ensures it stays relevant and practical. 

How to block the OpenAi GPTBot website crawler by using the robot.txt file :

GPTBot is a website crawler launched by OpenAI that works similarly to Google's crawler. Here is how to add code robots.txt to your website to block crawlers from accessing your content.

Stop GPTbot to access website data

  • To access the root directory of your website, locate and open the "robot.txt" file.

  • Please open the "robots.txt" file in a text editor.

  • Please ensure that you only insert this code into your robots.txt file.

#To prevent GPTBOT from accessing your website data and files, copy and paste this code into your rebots.txt file.
GPTBotDisallow: /

  • Please save it.

# If you want to access only customized content, you need to customize this code:

User-agent: GPTBot
Allow: /directory-1/
Disallow: /directory-2/

Frequently Asked Questions About Robots.text

Question 1: Is the use of robots.txt still relevant in modern times?

No way! Even though it's been around for a long time, Robots.txt is still an essential aspect of SEO. It serves as a helpful tool for directing search engine bots to the crucial sections of your website while keeping private areas hidden. Therefore, it's still relevant - it's necessary!

Question 2: Is it necessary to use Robots.txt when optimizing a website?

Absolutely! An adequately organized Robots.txt file can significantly improve your website's SEO performance. It directs search engine bots to your most important content, increasing your site's visibility and search capabilities. Therefore, if you want to optimize your website, a Robots.txt file is essential!

Question 3: What is the maximum size for a robots.txt file?

Ensure your Robots.txt file is under 500KB to avoid issues with Googlebot crawling your site.

Question 4: Is it possible for anyone to access a robots.txt file?

Yes, they can! 👀 All you need to do is append "/robots.txt" to a website's URL. If a Robots.txt file exists, it'll appear. But remember, this isn't a security measure. It's merely a set of instructions for web robots.

Question 5: Does every website have a robots.txt file?

Not all websites require a Robots.txt file for SEO, while some may overlook it. However, we strongly recommend using one to optimize your website's performance.

Question 6: What is the process for submitting a robots.txt file to Google?

Easy-peasy! Just use Google's Search Console. After creating and uploading your Robots.txt file to your website's root directory, submit it via the Search Console's "Sitemaps" section. And voila! You've successfully submitted your Robots.txt file to Google!


The Robots.txt file is a helpful tool for managing our website. We can optimize our robot and improve our SEO results by adding simple instructions to the file. It helps search engines properly index our content by guiding their crawlers. If you need to become more familiar with coding, we offer a free robots-text code generator tool to create custom code for you. Paste the generated code into your file, and you're all set.

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